Karriereseite und Stellenangebote – PASSAUER WOLF Medizin fürs Leben

Exclusive professional development programme for employees

April - June 2024

Mentor Training

As a mentor, you take on a crucial role in implementing the Passauer Wolf culture of welcome. In the demands of everyday work, the best intentions often have to give way to the circumstances and demands of daily business. For this task, techniques and opportunities should be presented that will enable you as a responsible mentor to recognise the needs of the new employee, to articulate your own demands clearly and unambiguously, to communicate requirements and needs appreciatively via questions and feedback and to act clearly in the spirit of the targeted culture of welcome when faced with problems.

  • Recognising and understanding the expectations and fears of new employees
  • Communicate, formulate and demand the expectations of the new employee clearly yet appreciatively
  • Get to know the expectations of you as mentors and understand implementation in everyday life
  • Learning to listen, actively and effectively
  • Properly interpreting body language, facial expressions of new employees
  • Expressing empathy and appreciation
  • Motivation: Discovering possibilities, inspiring and promoting.
  • Practical: Delegating tasks, acknowledging conversations: giving and receiving upward and downward feedback, defining objectives, demanding
  • Crises and conflicts: moderating and mediating in three-way conversations (employee – department head – mentor)
  • Difficult situations: practising exemplary situations, accept challenges
  • Asking questions: practising various questioning techniques, becoming a coach

Friday, 12.04.2024 from 09:00 - 17:00  

For employees from the Passauer Wolf group, the employer will cover the participation fee  

Target Group
Employees in the mentor role 

Passauer Wolf Rehab Centre Bad Griesbach 
Mayor Hartl Square 1 94086 Bad Griesbach-Therme  Further details will be provided with the registration confirmation. 

Sign up now

Conducting employee annual reviews

The annual employee review is a crucial management tool. The manager should take time, be well-prepared and consider essential necessities to utilise this tool for employee promotion. These prerequisites are conveyed in this seminar.
Focus points 

  • Functions of the employee review
  • Various possibilities
  • Structure and composition
  • Conducting discussion via questions
  • Developing suitable questions
  • Encouraging the employee to think along
  • Trying out the guideline
  • Conducting the annual employee discussion according to guidelines

Tuesday, 23.04.2024 from 09:00 - 17:00 hrs  

For employees within the Passauer Wolf collective, the employer will cover the participation fee  

Target audience
Managers, deputy managers who conduct employee discussions
Passauer Wolf Specialist Clinic Bad Göging
Kaiser-Augustus-Street 38
93333 Bad Göging  

You will receive more information with the confirmation of registration.

Sign up now

Basic Stimulation

Basal stimulation is a means of communication for fostering individuals whose perception is impaired. The concept postulates that each person can resort to basic sensory and communication systems that go beyond verbal comprehension. Thus, the patient should be enabled, for example, by touch (tactile experiences of the hands and feet), through movements, as well as through breathing, smells, tastes, noises/singing or by being addressed, to perceive and communicate with themselves and their environment. The goal is to maintain and promote the competencies of the patients. 

  • Fundamentals and goals of basal stimulation 
  • Analysis of the cause of challenging behaviour, confusion or unrest
  • Non-verbal communication via touch, breathing, and movement 
  • Strokes that stimulate basal level, as well as various offers to relieve spasms, relieve pain and provide security
  • Practical experiences according to the needs of the participants 

Wednesday: 08.05.2024 from 09:00 - 16:00    

For employees from the Passauer Wolf Network, the employer covers the participation fee.  

Target Group

Passauer Wolf Rehabilitation Centre Bad Griesbach
Bürgermeister-Hartl-Platz 1
94086 Bad Griesbach-Therme  

We recommend you bring comfortable clothing, (grip) socks, writing materials and a blanket/camping mat.  

You will receive further information in the registration confirmation.

Sign up now

Conducting annual employee reviews

The employee annual review is an important management tool. For this, the manager should take time, be well prepared and observe basic necessities to be able to use this tool for employee promotion
These basic requirements are taught in this seminar


  • Functions of the employee interview
  • various possibilities
  • Structure and layout
  • Conducting a conversation through questions
  • developing suitable questions
  • getting the employee to think along
  • trying out the guideline
  • trying out the annual employee review according to the guideline

Monday, 13.05.2024 from 09:00 - 17:00

For employees from the Passauer Wolf network, the employer covers the participation fee

Target Group
Managers, deputy managers, who conduct employee interviews

Passauer Wolf Specialist Clinic Bad Gögging
Kaiser-Augustus-Street 38
93333 Bad Gögging

You will receive further information with the registration confirmation

Sign up now

Employment Law in Healthcare

Every executive constantly deals with employment law issues. However, these are not core to their daily workload. This leads to uncertainties about the possibilities in a specific situation – rights on the part of the employer and obligations of the employee often stand in opposition. Sometimes the legal situation changes or the underlying jurisprudence, so this seminar is meant to provide an overview of the basic knowledge of current labor law in the sense of an update.

  • Overview of the legal system in Germany
  • Classification of employment law in the legal system
  • Preliminary interactive discussion of individual labour law issues
  • Nature of employment law
  • Employee vs. freelancer/self-employed
  • Conclusion of an employment contract
  • Employer's obligations in the ongoing employment relationship
  • Employee's obligations in the ongoing employment relationship
  • Performance disruptions in the employment relationship
  • Employer's sanctioning possibilities
  • Termination of the employment relationship
  • Protection against dismissal

Thursday, 16.05.2024 from 09:00 - 17:00   
For staff members from the Passauer Wolf network, the employer covers the participation fee   
Target Group 
All executives and HR leaders   
Please note that this is an online training. You will receive the access data separately after successful registration. 

Sign up now

Complaints Procedure

Our guests are not always satisfied with the services we provide. In such cases, the guest has the right to express their dissatisfaction, i.e., to make a complaint. Handling such situations requires diplomatic skill and expertise. This training provides the necessary knowledge to always manage guest complaints confidently. 
Focus Points  

  • Understanding the complaint (Grasping the facts: justified / unjustified, glitch, unpleasant guest, my possibilities for remedy?)
  • Recognise / Perceive own responsibility
  • Confidence in communication
  • Maintaining politeness
  • Determining and conveying my point of view (or that of the establishment)
  • Confidence in warding off unfounded attacks (preferably with diplomacy)
  • Finding diplomatic solutions to the guest's satisfaction
  • Secure processing of justified complaints / complaint management
  • Personal processing (Anger, embarrassment, excitement, frustration, outrage …)
  • Recognising that and when the handling of the complaint was successful
  • Goal: Delight over the successful resolution of complaint

Tuesday, 18.06.2024 from 09:00 - 17:00 hrs   
For employees of the Passauer Wolf network, the employer covers the participation fee   
Target Group 
Service departments such as Reservation, Service, Guest Care
Passauer Wolf Specialist Clinic Bad Gögging
 Kaiser-Augustus-Strasse 38 93333 Bad Gögging   Further information will be provided with the confirmation of registration. 

Sign up now

Kinaesthetic Mobilisation Fundamentals (Part 1)  

Kinaesthetics in care can take place at any time: during every daily care activity, every movement or when positioning in bed. Kinaesthetics involves joint learning and development of movement sequences, which are tailored to the individual abilities of the caregiver. This makes mobilisation easier and more pleasant for both the caregiver and the care recipient.

  • Introduction to the basics of kinaesthetic mobilisation
  • Importance of mobilisation
  • Movement and mobilisation in bed
  • Transfer from bed
  • Possibilities of decubitus and contracture prophylaxis incorporated into care procedures
  • Back-friendly work
  • Design and change of positions (positioning)
  • Meaning and documentation ofmotion-promotion measures
  • Practical application with clients

19.06.-20.06.2024 from 09:00 - 16:00
For employees from the Passauer Wolf network, the employer covers the participation fee.
Target Group
Nurses and therapists.
Passauer Wolf Rehabilitation Centre Bad Griesbach
Bürgermeister-Hartl-Platz 194086 Bad Griesbach-ThermeWe recommend you to bring comfortable clothes, (non-slip) socks, writing materials, and blankets/mat.You will receive more information in the registration confirmation.

Sign up now

Mentor Training Refresher  

In the refresher of the mentor training, we will revisit the content and apply and try it out based on specific examples brought along by the participants. Moreover, there will be a section on the subject of self-contact and self-control. Being in control and acting from this security is essential for every leader. There are practical tips that we will test together. This training is intended for mentors who have completed the initial training and bring specific questions and themes. The refresher will - like a supervision session - work on specific cases and problem situations. 

  • Repetition of the most important steps for the onboarding process.
  • New content: setting appreciative boundaries + mediating between department leaders and new employees - classic tools from mediation
  • Discuss current examples
  • Working on cases

Thursday, 27.06.2024 from 09:00 - 17:00   
For employees from the Passauer Wolf network, the employer will cover the participation fee   
Target Group 
Employees in the mentor role 
Passauer Wolf Rehab Centre Bad Griesbach 
Mayor Hartl Place 1 94086 Bad Griesbach-Therme  You will receive further information with the registration confirmation.  

Sign up now

Conducting annual employee reviews  

The annual staff appraisal is a crucial management tool. The manager should take time, be well-prepared and consider basic essential points to be able to use this tool to promote staff development. These basic requirements are conveyed in this seminar.

  • Functions of the employee appraisal
  • Various possibilities
  • Structure and format
  • Facilitating through questions
  • Developing appropriate questions
  • Engage the employee in active thinking
  • Trying out the guideline
  • Experimenting with the annual employee appraisal following the guideline

Tuesday, 23.04.2024 from 09:00 - 17:00  
For employees from the Passauer Wolf group, the employer covers the participation fee.
Target Group 
Managers, deputy managers who conduct employee appraisals
Passauer Wolf Rehab Centre Bad Griesbach
Mayor-Hartl-Square 1 94086 Bad Griesbach-ThermeYou will receive further information with the registration confirmation.

Sign up now

July - September 2024

Cultural sensitivity in patient/guest care and within the team  

Caring for patients of other cultures requires specific knowledge about cultural differences as well as sensitivity, tolerance and empathy in order to facilitate patient-oriented action for these individuals. Only in this way can cultural misunderstandings in care, patient safety issues and unnecessary friction in the process be avoided or at least reduced. Intercultural competence is also necessary to foster a good team spirit. When dealing with colleagues from other countries who carry out professional activities in the German healthcare system, there are often linguistic or culturally related misunderstandings, unnecessary irritations and wrong mutual expectations. Here too, it is important to find mutually satisfactory commonalities in professional action amidst differing views and behaviours and to resolve conflicts positively.
Focus Areas 

  • Access barriers in the healthcare system

  • Culturally influenced views of health and illness

  • Structural Differences: Education, professional image of healthcare professions in different countries

  • Communication, cultural peculiarities

  • Integration obstacles for staff of non-German origin

  • Cultural Sensitivity – what is intercultural competence?

  • Integration-friendly climate in the team – how to shape?

  • Experience exchange


Wednesday, 03.07.2024 from 09:00 - 17:00  

For employees from the Passauer Wolf network, the employer assumes the participation fee  

Target Group
All employees
Passauer Wolf Rehabilitation Centre, Bad Griesbach 
Buergermeister-Hartl-Platz 1 94086 Bad Griesbach-ThermeFurther information will be provided with the registration confirmation.   

Sign up now

Conducting conversation according to the rules of non-violent communication

In our training "Conversation Management according to the Rules of Nonviolent Communication", leaders learn how to build genuine connections with their staff through successful communication. The training communicates techniques and methods to conduct empathetic and constructive conversations, fostering an environment of trust and openness. Participants will learn how to resolve conflicts without violence by actively listening, expressing themselves clearly, and recognising and addressing feelings and needs, thus creating a positive work environment. Successful, non-violent communication allows leaders to establish genuine connections with their staff. 


  • Understand and apply communication promoters in employee discussions

  • Identify, avoid and if necessary, deal with communication blockades expertly

  • Learn about the attitude and mindset important for nonviolent communication

  • Apply the 4 steps of the I-message

  • Reflect and optimize practical communication situations from everyday life and implement active listening and appropriate questioning

  • Inputs, individual and group work, role-playing/feedback

Thursday, 04.07.2024 from 09:00 - 17:00 hrs 

For employees from the Passauer Wolf network, the employer will cover the participation fee 

Target Group
All leaders and deputy leaders
Passauer Wolf Specialist Clinic Bad Gögging
Kaiser Augustus Street 38
93333 Bad Gögging 

You will receive further information with your confirmation of registration

Sign up now

Mentor Training

As a mentor, you take on a key role in implementing the Passauer Wolf's culture of welcome. In the demands of everyday work, the best intentions often have to give way to the realities and demands of day-to-day business. For this task, we will now provide you with techniques and possibilities. These will allow you as a responsible mentor to recognise the needs of the new employee, to articulate your own expectations clearly and distinctly, to communicate demands and necessities with appreciation through questions and feedback, and to act clearly in line with the desired culture of welcome in the case of problems.
Key Points  

  • Recognise and understand the expectations and fears of new employees
  • Clearly and appreciatively communicate, articulate, and demand expectations from the new employee
  • Learn about expectations of you as mentors and understand how to implement them in everyday life
  • Learn to listen actively and effectively
  • Decode the body language and facial expressions of new employees correctly
  • Express empathy and appreciation
  • Motivation: Recognise possibilities, inspire and promote.Practical: Delegate tasks, recognise conversations: give and receive feedback up and down, formulate target setting, demand 
  • Crisis and conflicts: moderate and mediate in tripartite discussions (employee – department manager – mentor)
  • Difficult situations: practice examples, take on challenges
  • Ask questions: practice different questioning techniques, become a coach

Wednesday, 17.07.2024 from 09:00 - 17:00 hours   
The employer will pay the participation fee for employees from the Passauer Wolf association   
Target Audience 
Employees in the mentor role 
Passauer Wolf Specialist Clinic Bad Gögging
 Kaiser-Augustus-Street 38 93333 Bad Gögging  You will receive further information with your registration confirmation.  

Sign up now

Leadership 1  

New leaders often face many challenges that come their way in their new role. This basic seminar provides the ability to understand and motivate employees, as well as to communicate ideas clearly. Because a well-prepared leader transfers their enthusiasm to the entire team.   
Main points  

  • The leadership philosophy of Passauer Wolf Company as the basis of the leadership culture
  • The 3 pillars of effective leadership
  • Human drive: the foundation of everything
  • Self-perception: values, professional and personal skills
  • Earn respect: body language and expression
  • Communicate: confident and appreciative
  • Conversations: giving and receiving feedback
  • Crises and conflicts: recognising and resolving

17.09.-18.09.2024 from 09:00 - 17:00 each day   
For employees from the Passauer Wolf group, the employer will cover the participation fee   
Target group 
NEW Department Managers, Deputy Department Managers, Team Leader, Deputy Team Leader   
Event location 
Passauer Wolf Specialist Clinic Bad Gögging 
Kaiser-Augustus-Street 38 93333 Bad Gögging   Further information will be provided with the confirmation of registration.  

Sign up now

Specialised Further Education in Nursing Therapy

The fundamental basis for the successful work of the employees at Passauer Wolf is the excellent interdisciplinary collaboration between all departments and professions, in terms of a 24-hour management system. To ensure this successful collaboration at Passauer Wolf, we mainly offer this specialist training to our new care staff.

  • Care therapy in accordance with the Bobath concept
  • Communication and interaction with the patient
  • Support for independent position changes
  • Back-friendly processes from the perspective of the nursing staff
  • Promotion of everyday activities
  • Positioning in bed and wheelchair, transfers
  • Proper management of the plegic shoulder

18.09.-20.09.2024 from 09:30-17:00 each day
For employees from the Passauer Wolf network, the employer will cover the participation fee
Target Group
Nursing staff and care helpers
Passauer Wolf Specialist Clinic Bad Gögging
Kaiser-Augustus-Strasse 3893333 Bad GöggingYou will receive further information with the confirmation of registration

Sign up now

Medication Management  

This seminar aims to refresh, expand and provide an overview of important medicines and their forms of administration. Participants will then have basic pharmacological knowledge to identify and avoid risks and problems in drug therapy. They are confident in handling medications and know the requirements for the documentation of medication administration.
Main Points   

  • General fundamentals of the mechanisms and indicators of medications
  • Absorption, metabolism, transport and breakdown of medications
  • Material classes and dosage forms
  • Dealing with side effects and interactions
  • Monitoring of drug therapy
  • Application examples of common medications (Cardiovascular medications,
  • Psychotropic medications, pain medications, laxatives)
  • Medications and PEG
  • Liability Law
  • Documentation 

Tuesday, 24.09.2024 from 09:30-17:00 hrs      
For employees from the association of the Passauer Wolf, the employer covers the participation fee      
Target Group  
Care service workers and nursing assistants   
Passauer Wolf Specialist Clinic Bad Gögging 
Kaiser-Augustus-Street 38 93333 Bad Gögging   More information will be provided with the registration confirmation.  

Sign up now

Conducting annual employee reviews  

The employee annual review is an important management tool. For it, the manager should take the time, be well prepared, and observe basic necessities in order to use this tool for employee advancement. These prerequisites will be conveyed in this seminar.
Focus Points  

  • Functions of the employee conversation
  • various opportunities
  • Construction and structure
  • Conducting the conversation through questions
  • develop suitable questions
  • encourage the employee to think along
  • try out the guideline
  • try out the annual employee review according to the guideline 

Wednesday, 25.09.2024 from 09:00 - 17:00   
For employees from the Passauer Wolf network, the employer will cover the participation fee   
Target Group 
Executives, deputy executives who conduct employee conversations
Passauer Wolf Rehabilitation Centre Bad Griesbach 
Mayor-Hartl-Place 1 94086 Bad Griesbach-ThermeYou will receive further information with the registration confirmation.

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Mentor Training Refresher

This mentors refresher course is targeted at all graduates of the basic mentors training course. This is primarily related to real-world examples, instances from which we can learn, along with two further communication techniques.
Focus Points  

  • Repetition of the most important steps for the onboarding process.
  • New content: setting limits with appreciation + mediating between heads of departments and new employees - classic tools from mediation
  • discussion of current examples
  • working on cases 

Thursday, 26.09.2024 from 09:00 - 17:00   
For employees from the association of Passauer Wolf, the employer will bear the participation fee   
Target Audience 
Employees in the mentor role 
Passauer Wolf Specialist Clinic, Bad Gögging 
Kaiser-Augustus-Street 38 93333 Bad Gögging   More information will be provided with the confirmation of registration.  

Sign up now

October - December 2024

Hygiene Officer for Hospitals and Rehabilitation Facilities (Refresher)

Hygiene officers contribute significantly to the implementation of statutory quality assurance and are co-responsible for optimal hygiene standards within their institution. They have the task to scrutinise, monitor and organise hygiene in their facility. The increasing difficulties in care facilities make the establishment of hygiene officers even more critical. To update and deepen their knowledge, it is essential for hygiene officers to regularly continue their education as there are always new developments in hygiene, such as changing microbiological hazards or new legal conditions. Regular continuing education duty is a legal requirement, not least to be up to date. There is assistance for practical application in everyday professional life and ample time for participants to ask questions.

Tuesday, 08.10.2024 from 09:00 - 16:15  

The employer of the Passauer Wolf network will cover the course fee for its employees  

Target Group
This update is based on the latest guidelines and targets all hygiene commissioners in care and therapy who want to refresh, update and deepen their basic hygiene knowledge.  

Please note that this is an online course. You will receive your access data separately after successful registration.

Due to the statutory documentation obligation, it is mandatory to keep your camera (webcam) on and have your microphone function enabled for questions.

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Theatrical pedagogical exercises in therapy with Parkinson's patients

The speaker brings his large "suitcase" full of theatre-educational exercises, which will be playfully trialled by participants and tested for their applicability with Parkinson's patients. It's about exercises designed to encourage patients to move more, improve the expressiveness of facial and gestural cues and strengthen the voice. The goal is to have many theatre-educational activities available for individual and group therapy with Parkinson's patients, designed to reawaken and expand the patients' joy of movement and communicative skills.

Key focuses  

  • Experience in action and joint written record of exercises from theatre education practice
  • Linguistic, facial and gestural exercises (pronunciation, semantics, emotional language etc.)
  • Acting in action and reaction
  • Discussion of the necessity of creativity and intellectual abilities in exercises
  • Opportunity for patient empowerment
  • Hazard of a feeling of decrement of skills developing
  • Sharpening of the patients' self-perception
  • Better overall picture for the medical professional

Saturday, 19.10.2024, from 09:00 - 16:00 hrs  

The employer will cover the participation fee for employees from the Passauer Wolf network  

Target group
Speech therapy staff  

Passauer Wolf Rehab Centre Bad Gögging
Kaiser-Augustus-Straße 3893333 Bad GöggingYou will receive further information with the confirmation of registration. 

Sign up now

Practice Instructors (Refresher Part 1 - 3)

Part 1 - The Power of Language 

Content: The difference between the right word and the almost right one is the same difference as between the lightning and a firefly.” (Mark Twain) 

This seminar is about the significance and the influence of language in day-to-day nursing. The use of words and communication techniques can have a substantial impact on the nature of the relationship with the trainees and the quality of the nursing process. How does language affect our thinking and actions? Which communication techniques are helpful for a successful nursing practice? And how is effective communication between practical instructors and trainees achieved?Part 2 - Enabling Didactics – How can the Walt Disney Method can be used in practical instruction 

Content: In this seminar day, the participating practical instructions deal with how learning in practice can be initiated. The practical instructors learn different methods such as the Walt Disney method, work with „LENA“ and implementation possibilities with „SPASS“. The training day is oriented towards the fundamental view of man as a learning creature. Adults, on the other hand, are critical learners and weigh up which learning topics they devote their time and energy to under which learning conditions... and this is exactly where the training comes in.

Part 3 - Targeted support in instruction – Developing a pedagogical diagnostic chart

Content: Each trainee comes with completely different prerequisites and conditions in nursing. You have to create the conditions so that he masters the requirements of the complex nursing education. An important task in practical instruction is the individual case assistance for the purpose of improving learning and implementing new knowledge. To this end, it can be outstanding support to pick up the learner wherever he stands with a self-developed pedagogical diagnostic chart and accompany him correctly on his lifelong learning journey.


  • Theory-led introduction with presentation
  • Group works using facility-specific templates and documentation materials
  • Presentation of results with critical discussion and reflection

Part 1: Wednesday, 09.10.2024 from 09:00 – 16:00 hrs 
Part 2: Tuesday, 12.11.2024 from 09:00 – 16:00 hrs 
Part 3: Tuesday, 17.12.2024 from 09:00 – 16:00 hrs 

For Employees from the Passauer Wolf association, the employer covers the participation fee 

Target Group
Nurses with basic course in practical instruction 

Please note that this is an online training. You will receive the access data separately after successful registration.

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Kinaesthetic Mobilisation Basics (Part 2)  

Kinaesthetics in care can occur at any time: during every day-to-day activities, when providing care, when moving about, or when in bed. Kinaesthetics involves collective learning and development of movement sequences that are tailored to the individual abilities of the caregiver. This facilitates mobilisation for both, the caregiver and the care recipient, making it easier and more pleasant.

  • Introduction to the basics of kinaesthetic mobilisation
  • Significance of mobilisation
  • Movement and mobilisation in bed
  • Transfer from bed
  • Possibilities for prevention of pressure ulcers and contracture integrated into nursing actions
  • Back-friendly work
  • Designing and changing of positions (positioning)
  • Significance and documentation of
  • Movement encouraging measures
  • Practical application with clients

22nd-23rd October 2024 from 09:00 to 16:00
The employer will cover the participation fee for employees from the Passau Wolf Network.
Target Group
Nurses and Therapists
Passauer Wolf Reha-Zentrum Bad Griesbach
Bürgermeister-Hartl-Platz 194086 Bad Griesbach-ThermeWe recommend that you bring comfortable clothing, (non-slip) socks, writing materials, and a blanket or sleeping mat.You will receive more detailed information in the confirmation of registration.

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Guest orientation in Passauer Wolf 

Behind the term optimisation at Passauer Wolf, there's a whole series of small things that show our guests we value them. Only those who know the guest and their wishes and cater to them can increase guest satisfaction. And this is beneficial not only to our guests, but also to the company. Because those who are pleasantly surprised the first time will happily return.   

  • Learn the basics of service quality
  • Know guest expectations: Types of quality – Quality gaps
  • Assess your own operation: Define standards – Monitor standards
  • Social competence – Room for manoeuvre and rules of the game in the clinic world
  • Contemporary manners with appreciative communication 

Tuesday, 25.10.2024 from 09:00 - 17:00   
For employees from the Passauer Wolf network, the employer will cover the participation fee   
Target Audience 
New employees of all professions   
Passauer Wolf Speciality Clinic Bad Gögging 
Kaiser-Augustus-Street 38 93333 Bad Gögging   You will receive further information with the registration confirmation.

Sign up now

De-escalation Management (Refresher) 

Many care staff experience conflicts in everyday life that they have to manage. When conflict situations escalate, appropriate measures should be taken as quickly as possible to mitigate or dampen the unrest. The refresher repeats and reinforces the contents of the basic course.

  • Repeat and consolidation of the knowledge from the De-escalation Management Basic Course

Monday, 11.11.2024 from 09:00 - 17:00 hrs  

For employees from the Passauer Wolf network, the employer covers the participation fee  

Target Group
All nursing staff 

Passauer Wolf Rehab Centre Bad Griesbach 
Mayor Hartl Square 1 94086 Bad Griesbach-Therme  Further information will be provided with the registration confirmation.   

Sign up now

Dealing with difficult employees  

As a leader, you deal, among other things, with how you can improve the performance potential of your staff, as you are also measured by the performance of your team. Dealing with difficult staff members represents the greatest challenge. There are staff members who try to negatively influence the working climate on a lasting basis. Normal communication and procedure rarely help in these cases to counter this.
Focus areas 

  • Find out why you have difficulty dealing with some staff members
  • Get to know leadership tools that can bring difficult staff members to reason
  • Have a helpful staff portfolio for decision-making "How to proceed?" at hand
  • Exchange with colleagues
  • Receive further practical tips and advice on how to confront different personalities in the company

Tuesday, 19.11.2024 from 09:00 - 17:00

For members of staff from the Passauer Wolf network, the employer pays the participation fee

Target group
All leaders
Please note that this is an online training course. You will receive the access data separately after successful registration.

Sign up now

Medication management  

This seminar is meant to refresh, expand basic knowledge and provide an overview of important medicines and their methods of administration. Afterwards, the participants will have a basic knowledge of pharmacology to identify and avert risks and problems in medication therapy. They will be confident in handling medication and aware of the requirements for documenting medication administration.
Key Points   

  • Basic principles of medicine's mechanisms of action and indications
  • Absorption, metabolism, transport and breakdown of medicines
  • Classes of substances and forms of administration
  • Dealing with side effects and interactions
  • Monitoring of medication therapy
  • Application examples of common medicines (cardiovascular drugs, psychotropic drugs, painkillers, laxatives)
  • Medicines and PEG
  • Liability law
  • Documentation 

Tuesday, 19.11.2024 from 09:00 to 17:00     
For employees from the Passauer Wolf network, the employer will cover the participation fee      
Target Group  
Nursing staff and nursing assistants   
Passauer Wolf Specialist Clinic Bad Gögging 
Kaiser-Augustus-Street 38 93333 Bad Gögging   Further information will be provided with the confirmation of your registration.      

Sign up now

Employment Law in Healthcare  

Every executive inevitably encounters employment law issues. However, such issues don't tend to be part of their core daily work duties. This may lead to uncertainties regarding the available options in a given situation – the rights of the employer and the obligations of the employee are often contradictory. Additionally, changes in the law or underlying legal interpretations may occur, indicating that this seminar intends to provide an overview of the basics of current employment law as a kind of update.

  • Overview of the legal system in Germany
  • Integration of employment law into the legal system
  • Introductive interactive discussion of individual employment law issues
  • Nature of employment law
  • Employees vs. Freelancers/Self-employed
  • Concluding an employment contract
  • Employer's obligations in an ongoing employment relationship
  • Employee's obligations in an ongoing employment relationship
  • Disruptions in employment relations
  • Employer's sanction options
  • Termination of the employment relationship
  • Protection against dismissal 

Thursday, 21.11.2024 from 09:00 - 17:00   
For employees from the Passauer Wolf network, the employer covers the participation fee   
Target group 
All executives and HR managers   
Please note that this is an online training. You will receive the access data separately after successful registration. 

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Hygiene for Home Economics and Kitchen

This practical day seminar offers you the opportunity to ask your questions about hygiene safety. For instance, you will learn how germs survive and multiply and how you can counteract this, what you need to consider when disinfecting and which hygiene-relevant measures are truly effective.  
Also, you discover how you can stay updated on hygiene-related topics.Focus Areas  

  • Legal requirements, guidelines and recommendations for hygiene in domestic and kitchen management and kitchen 
  • Duties and areas of responsibility of hygiene officers and hygiene assistants in domestic and kitchen management 
  • Hygiene measures when cleaning, laundry care, and in the kitchen 
  • The “when?” and “how?” of disinfection 
  • Hygiene measures in the event of (multi-resistant) germs 

Wednesday, 04/12/2024 from 09:00 - 17:00 hrs   
The employer will cover the participation fee for employees from the Passauer Wolf network   
Target Group 
All management staff and personnel directors   
Please note that this is an online training. You will receive the access data separately after successful registration. 

Sign up now

Conducting annual employee reviews  

The annual employee discussion is an important managerial tool. It requires a leader to take their time, be well-prepared and observe fundamental requirements in order to use this tool for employee development. This workshop will cover these essential prerequisites.
Key Points  

  • Functions of employee discussions
  • Various possibilities
  • Structure and format
  • Conducting interviews through questions
  • Developing suitable questions
  • Engaging employees in the discussion
  • Testing the guidelines
  • Trying out the annual employee discussion based on guidelines

Tuesday, 10th of December, 2024 from 09:00 to 17:00 hours   
For employees from the Passauer Wolf network, the employer will cover the event cost   
Target Group 
Leaders, deputy leaders, those who conduct employee discussions
Passauer Wolf Specialist Clinic Bad Gögging 
Kaiser-Augustus-Street 38 93333 Bad Gögging   You will receive further information with the confirmation of your registration.

Sign up now

 Everything fitted well: organisation, execution, duration, content, teaching. The colleagues were also very helpful and collegial, I learned a lot. Great and good experience for me. I have no criticisms or complaints. I expect this quality from training courses in the future. 

Dealing with difficult employees


I'm sincerely grateful for the engaging and entertaining training!

We're training


Very interesting and superbly organised or structured.

Guest orientation at the Passauer Wolf 


Very interesting and creative design of the training.  

Appreciative Communication


The lecturer conveyed the topics and content very well. During the training, the tension was always maintained and it never became boring.

Speak clearly, be better understood


The training was very informative and the practical part was very good

Hygiene officer for Domestic and Kitchen Services (Refresher)


Very good lecturer, the content was conveyed very well

Breath and voice therapy according to Schlaffhorst Andersen
